Thursday, May 19, 2011

If the big rumor at the moment is the supposed successor to the Wii, behold, a new information can cause many hardcore gamers to look back with fondness for Nintendo. That's because, according to unnamed sources the French website 01net, Rockstar is developing Grand Theft Auto V for the next console the "Big N ".
Yes, you read that correctly. According to the page, the studio is already with the development kit on hand and expects to make the long-awaited fifth installment in the series a few months after the release of "Wii 2 ".
The same informant stated that GTA V to bring the new device is one of Nintendo's strategy to attract more serious players, whereas the current generation was marked by causality. Therefore, it is fair that one of the biggest blockbusters of our time to fulfill that mission.In addition, 01net says the title is not exclusive to the new console. As much as this alleged development is consistent with the previous information that the potential of the device would be higher than seen in the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, Rockstar's new game would also be available for video game systems from Sony and Microsoft.
However, we must remember they are just rumors. Nintendo has not commented on the subject, as well as the developer of GTA. However, 01net is exactly known for having hot contacts within the electronics industry, so he was one of the first sites to mention the existence of the NGP even before Sony's official launch.
Really? Lie? Apparently, we have to wait until E3 2011 to find out if the Wii actually receive and whether his successor will have a new open world of Rockstar to explore.

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